Any software is only as good as its features. So here are the most important features of APS in an overview. But this is merely the beginning. We will gladly show you what APS can do for you and your collection in particular. Contact us now to find out!
Adjusting the software to your requirements is a matter of configuration, not programming. This brings down costs and makes your system easier to maintain and update - your advantage.
Storing the data in XML documents is the key to incredible flexibility that would not be possible with just a relational database. In APS, you will store all your data scientifically correct.
The future belongs to open data formats. And APS supports many of them. For storing, processing and describing information of your collection.
Virtually any kind of report is possible, you only have to configure it once. Scheduled or on-demand. The user-friendly report configuration wizzard will help you set them up.
APS comes with a powerful user management which allows you to control the access to the contents of your collection. We even added number ranges to make this feature as precise as possible.
With document versioning APS lets you keep track of changes to individual documents. Every change in the documents results in a new version, thus creating a version history.
Batch processing can be a very convinient time-saver. In many cases however, it is simply necessary to batch tasks to keep the collection manageable.
By using controlled vocabularies you will make sure your database is filled with consistent information. It is one of the features that make APS the obvious choice for serious scientific collections.
The Gallery View gives you an overview of the pictures belonging to the selected object.
Searching the database is among the most common uses and thanks to the APS search technology, you will find what you are looking for.
By using templates for documents, you will be able to add new information to your database in a very user-friendly and consistent way.
The easiest way to give your editors the guidance they need, when they need it.